How can I access my VPS control panel?
To access your VPS control panel, you need to use the IP address of your VPS followed by the specific port for the desired control panel.
What is the address and port to access the Plesk control panel?
To access the Plesk control panel, use the following format : http://seu_ip:8443.
Replace “your_ip” with the IP address of your VPS. Be sure to add “:8443” at the end of the address to indicate the correct port.
How can I access cPanel (WHM) on my VPS?
To access cPanel (WHM), use the following format: http://seu_ip:2087.
Replace “your_ip” with the IP address of your VPS. Add “:2087” at the end of the address to indicate the correct port for cPanel.
What should I do if I cannot access the control panel?
Make sure you enter the correct IP address for your VPS, followed by the appropriate port for your specific control panel. Also check that your VPS is correctly configured and online. If the problems persist, contact technical support.
Is it safe to use the default ports to access the control panel?
Yes, the default ports for Plesk (8443) and cPanel (2087) are secure. However, it is always recommended to implement security measures such as using strong passwords and configuring firewalls to restrict unauthorized access.
Can I customize the control panel access ports?
Yes, you can customize access ports, but this requires advanced configuration. Make sure you fully understand the security implications of changing ports and take appropriate precautions.

Remember to replace “your_ip” with the actual IP address of your VPS when following the instructions above. If you have further questions or encounter problems, please contact your VPS technical support for further assistance.