Operating systems for self-managed VPS

In addition to the Windows 2016, 2019 and 2022 operating systems and AlmaLinux , which are available with cPanel and Plesk control panels, we offer a wide range of operating systems to meet your specific requirements. Available options include different versions of the following operating systems:

  1. Ubuntu: A Debian-based Linux distribution known for its ease of use and large support community.
  2. Debian: A robust and stable Linux operating system known for its free software philosophy and flexible configuration.
  3. CentOS: An open source Linux distribution based on the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) with a focus on stability and performance.
  4. pfSense: A FreeBSD-based operating system that specializes in providing a powerful firewall and routing solution.
  5. FreeBSD: A Unix-like operating system known for its reliability, performance and advanced features.
  6. Gentoo: A Linux distribution that allows users to optimize each system component for their specific hardware.
  7. OpenBSD: A Unix-like operating system known for its focus on security, clean code and comprehensive documentation.
  8. TrueNAS: A FreeBSD-based operating system that specializes in network-attached storage (NAS) servers and offers advanced storage features.
  9. RancherOS: A lightweight Linux distribution that specializes in running Docker containers.
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These options offer multiple ways to customize your VPS experience to your specific needs and preferences. If you need help selecting or installing a specific operating system, please contact our technical support team.

If you have any further questions, you can reach us by telephone between 8:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00 at +41 (0) 848 69 69 69