Are you having problems accessing Swizzonic Webmail, are you unable to receive or send e-mails? Check these points first:
Is the domain registered with Swizzonic?
If the domain is not registered with Swizzonic, you must contact the current provider of the domain in question.
Are the subscriptions still active?
Please check whether your subscriptions have expired. Navigate to your Control Panel and check your products.
Have you activated the Swizzonic DNS and entered the MX record correctly?
Webmail – Access denied
This means that your password or username is incorrect. You must reset the password via your personal customer area, see the instructions for resetting a forgotten or lost email password.
Webmail – The e-mail inbox is currently not available.
If the email inbox has just been created, you can wait a few minutes or delete the email inbox from the panel and create it again.
Also make sure that you have activated the correct MX. Remember that the MX must be aligned with the Swizzonic platform!
If it has not just been created or the above process does not resolve the issue, you will need to open a support ticket from your personal customer area.
Webmail – Connection to storage failed
For cPanel email addresses, check that you have also activated the SSL certificate for the mail.domain.ext entry. If the certificate is not activated via cPanel, access to Webmail is not possible
Reception – In e-mail clients
If the problem occurs on the client, please check the parameters you have entered (see instructions Client configuration parameters) and the password of the e-mail mailbox.
If everything is correct, we recommend that you open a support ticket in your personal customer area so that we can process the problem.
Receiving – In webmail
If the problem occurs in Webmail, check the REMAINING SPACE, the EXPIRY, the SSL CERTIFICATE and the MX record and make sure that LEASE LEAVE COPY ON SERVER is selected if automatic forwarding is set.
If everything is correct, you will need to open a support ticket from your Swizzonic panel.
Sending – In e-mail clients
If the problem occurs on the client, check the configuration parameters of the outgoing mail server.
Sending – You do not receive an error message
If you do not receive an error message, the message will be sent. You must ask the recipient for the reason for non-acceptance.
Sending – Error: SPAM rejected
In this case, send the same email that ended up in spam to and open a support ticket in your Control Panel immediately afterwards with the following details: Sender, destination, date and time of sending
The system is blocking the transmission due to the receipt of error messages relating to your previous transmissions. Start the virus scan on your computer and then change the password in your panel.
If this does not solve the problem, you will need to open a support ticket from your Swizzonic panel.
Sending – Error: TOO MANY IP USED
This happens when the connection to the server is established almost simultaneously from different IP addresses. Start a virus scan on your computer and then change the password in your panel.
If this does not solve the problem, you will need to open a support ticket from your Swizzonic panel.
For all other errors
If you cannot find the answers on this page, please open a support ticket in your personal customer area.