Register domain

How do I register a domain?

Visit your personal customer area.

If you no longer know how to do this, follow these instructions.

Administration Ticket DE 01

Enter the desired domain name in the search field and click on SEARCH

Swizzonic Control Panel 3

If the desired domain is available and can be registered directly, it will be added directly to the shopping cart and you will also see the price.

If you want to register several domains, you can simply enter them again in the search field and click on SEARCH and they will automatically be added to your shopping cart (if they are free).

Domainsuche Swizzonic ch

The list below shows the other free TLDs that can also be purchased

Domainsuche Swizzonic ch 1

If the desired domain is not available, you will see the other alternative TLDs that can be registered with this name in the list below.

Domainsuche Swizzonic ch 2
informazioni as it

If the domain you want has already been registered by someone else, you can also make use of our BackOrder service. We will negotiate with the current holder and try to acquire the domain name in your name.

Domainsuche Swizzonic ch 4

Once you have added all the domains you want to the shopping cart, click Next

Domainsuche Swizzonic ch 3

On the next page you can purchase the additional services such as Iubenda or hosting packages such as Managed WordPres etc. by clicking on Add to cart. When you are finished, click on Continue to shopping cart

Notification Center 2

You are now in your shopping cart, where you can see the overview of selected domains and products and remove them if necessary or reserve them for 2, 3, 5 or 10 years (with discount).

When you are finished, accept the terms and conditions and click Next

Warenkorb Fuegen Sie eine andere Domain zu Ihrem Warenkorb hinzu 1

Check the contact details and adjust them if necessary and click Add to cart

Domainregistrierung Registrieren Sie Ihre Domain in Europa bei Swizzonic 1

Select the payment method and click Next

important as it Payment by invoice is not possible for new customers and the registration must be paid directly by credit card. If payment by credit card is not possible, please contact our customer service via ticket.

Domainregistrierung Registrieren Sie Ihre Domain in Europa bei Swizzonic 2
important as it

The domains are immediately visible in your user account, but can only be managed after the invoice has been paid.

I have registered the wrong DOMAIN. Can I change it?

The registration of a DOMAIN is a binding purchase. It is not possible to change a registered domain if you make a mistake. In this case, the desired, correct term must be re-registered.

If you have made a mistake when entering the DOMAIN, there is no right of withdrawal and the invoice remains payable.

How long does it take for the requested DOMAIN to be registered?

Swizzonic has a direct connection to all registries from which we offer domains. This means that registrations are ordered immediately and usually confirmed by e-mail within minutes. You can see the domain immediately in your user account.

Exceptions are

  • .swiss, where only one application is possible, which is checked by the registry. Allocation takes around 30 days from the time of application.
  • Various country domains have longer allocation periods. As long as you do not receive an E-MAIL that the registration has failed, you do not have to do anything.

Are there any restrictions or rules regarding the choice of DOMAIN?

The rules for eligible domain names are not the same for all registry operators.
Please note that Swizzonic offers a subset of these rules:

For DOMAINs, the DOMAIN may be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 63 characters long. All characters between “www.” and the “TLD” (Top Level Domain, e.g. .ch)” are counted.

Exceptions are DOMAINs with umlauts and special characters (IDN: Internationalized Domain Name). Because the Domain Name System does not support these characters, a translation, the ACE string, must be carried out “in the background”. With an IDN, the translated characters in the ACE string are counted.

  • is 9 characters long.
  • www.bü is not 6
    ACE string:, but 13 characters long.

Please note that IDNs (What is an IDN?) are not yet supported everywhere by default. The functioning of such DOMAINs cannot be guaranteed in every case. It is recommended that you do not rely solely on an IDN for important applications.

DOMAINs can contain characters from the following character set:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 –

For the TLDs .ch, .li, .de and .eu, the following IDN characters are also permitted:
à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ

For the TLDs .biz, .com, .info, .name, .net and .org and for most new generic domain names (gTLD), the following IDN characters are also permitted:
ä ö ü

Unfortunately, no general statements are possible for country code domains (CC-TLD). The general terms and conditions of the registry operators can be found in our GTC.

If you have any problems with the registration, please contact our support team. We will be happy to help you.

The DOMAIN must not contain a hyphen as the first, third combined with the fourth and/or last character (e.g. “”, “”, “”).

Registering, modifying or transferring protected (e.g. community names) or two-character DOMAINs

Community names

.ch DOMAINs specially protected by OFCOM (e.g. community names) are blocked for mutations at the SWITCH registry (new registrations, transfers and mutations such as change of holder or change of name server).

  • The registrar must apply to SWITCH to unblock the domain for such a change.

Please contact us so that we can have the DOMAIN unblocked for you at SWITCH for the change.

Once the change or registration has been made, Swizzonic must have the DOMAIN blocked again by SWITCH. Therefore, please let us know as soon as you have made the change.

Please note that if the DOMAIN is to be registered to a third party, the municipality (for which the DOMAIN was explicitly reserved with OFCOM) must give its written consent for the reserved DOMAIN to be registered to Mr. XY or company YZ with the user ID xxxxxxx.

Two-character DOMAINs

The only two-character domain names available are the canton abbreviations assigned to the cantons. The same guidelines apply to these DOMAINs as to municipal domains.

Registration of highly regulated TLDs such as .law, .swiss or certain country domains

Some DOMAINs are highly regulated by the registry and require additional information when applying. There are also some restrictions for country domains, which must be handled accordingly for a successful registration.

new gTLDsRequirements for
.aeroThe verification procedure must first be completed at the registry. Information and the application can be made under the following link:

You will receive confirmation with a code from the registry once the procedure has been completed. This code is then used for registration. is a highly regulated TLD exclusively for patented lawyers and possibly also institutions with a direct connection to the administration of justice.
It is always assigned directly to the holder and cannot be assigned to a law firm, for example.
Information required from the customer:
– Cantonal office where the person is registered as a lawyer. The cantonal offices can be found under the following link:
– The year in which the applicant was granted the patent in the canton of registration.
.sportThe registry of .sport requires a description of the use of the domain. For this reason, the domain must be registered manually through us.
To register and renew a .SPORT domain name, the registrant must be a natural or legal person who has a connection to the .SPORT community at the time of registration and thereafter.
Specifically, registrants of .SPORT must be recognized artists, organizers, promoters or supporters of federal sports or belong to the categories of registrants recognized by the .SPORT Policy Advisory Board (PAB). Eligible registrants include, but are not limited to:
a. Sports practitioners and organizers: this class of registrants is intended to include those individuals, businesses and organizations that produce or organize and structure sports content as publicly visible stakeholders. This group includes in particular: Athletes, clubs, coaches, support staff, events, governing bodies, etc.
b. Corporate partners: This class of registrants is intended to include companies and organizations that support the production of sports content by providing resources in exchange for sports-related visibility, including sponsors and media.
Misrepresentation of the intended use is an indication of bad faith and may be the basis for suspension of the domain name.
.swissDetailed information can be found under the following link
Country domainsRequirements for
.auRegistrations are now only possible with the holder address Australia.
Exceptions are brand names registered under the following link:
.ca.CA domains can only be registered by Canadian individuals and companies.
Trademark registered in Canada by a non-Canadian holder: To register a .CA domain name under the legal form of the trademark, the trademark must be “registered”.
.cnIn addition, the following documents must be submitted:
Natural persons: Copy of identity card.
Companies: An extract from the commercial register.
.esThe following additional information is required to register a .es domain:
For a private account: Passport or ID number of the registrant.
For an organizational account: The company UID from the Zefix or UID register.
.fiRegistration is only possible for organizations with a valid UID.
.grVery long release period by the registry.
New registration for at least 2 years.
.ieThe documents required for registration can be found at
Express registration process:
Auto-validation – There is an express registration process for returning customers who already own a .ie domain. An application to register another .ie domain will be automatically approved if the application contains either the registrant’s existing contact ID or the same name, email address and registrant type as the existing registration.
Auto-validation – For Irish companies that have an active CRO number, we offer an express registration process. When applying for a .ie domain, all you need to do is select the company application type, enter the CRO number in the appropriate field and enter the registrant name correctly.
.meThe registration of .COM.MY, .NET.MY, .ORG.MY and IDN must include an organization for all contact handles (Owner, Admin, Tech, Billing).
.MY can have individual registrants. However, Admin, Tech and Billing must be one organization. Both the registrant (a business entity) and the administrative contact must have a local presence. The administrative contact must be an employee of the registering organization.
This is not allowed:
– Contain country or state names or familiar names such as “Malaysia”, “Malacca”, “Johore”, etc. or the equivalent Bahasa Malaysia names such as “Melaka”, “Johor”, etc
– Contain words in English or Bahasa Malaysia that allude to the major religions in Malaysia, such as “Islam”, “Buddha”, “Hindu”, “Christianity”, etc.
– Part of a name that is considered obscene, scandalous, indecent, offensive or violates the public norms of Malaysia.
– Part of a name that contains the words “bank” or “finance company” (or any derivation of these words in any language). Only parties who have the written consent of the Minister of Finance (MOF) under Section 15 of the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA) can apply for these domain names.
.noThe registrant of a .NO domain must be a Norwegian organization with a valid organization number in the Brønnøysund Register Centre (Enhetsregisteret).
In addition, the administrative contact must be employed by or directly affiliated with the registering organization and have a Norwegian address.
Alternatively, if the domain holder is a natural person domiciled in Norway, a PID number must be provided.
Please note that a Norwegian postal address is mandatory.
.ruThe following additional information is required to register a .ru domain:
Passport or ID number of the registrant.
.seFor non-Swedish registrants, the holder’s personal number and the organization’s UID must be entered.
If you have any further questions, you can reach us by telephone between 8:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00 at +41 (0) 848 69 69 69